Notices 14 July 2024

Sunday July 14th: The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School

Forest Sunday School will take a break over the summer holidays.
Our last gathering in the woods will be on Sunday July 21st.
We look forward to welcoming families back in September! 

Midweek Services

Morning Prayer: 9am Monday and Tuesdays in the Coach House.
Eucharist Service: Wednesdays at 10am

Sunday July 21st: The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School

The Parish Office is closed and will reopen at 9am next Tuesday 16th July.

Housekeeping matters during the building work

Please kindly note that toilet facilities are available at the Coach House, and the vestry is now strictly out of use. Seating is more restricted inside the church – please be considerate when choosing a pew and allow space for latecomers if possible (please consider filling up from the front!). The back pews are reserved for children and families attending Sunday school. In the event of an emergency, fire exits are at the main church door and the chancel door.
We are so grateful that the building work is progressing smoothly and to plan! We all look forward in faith and hope to the completion of the works in 2024. Please continue to hold the project in your prayers. As the psalmist writes: ‘unless the Lord builds the house, those who labour build it in vain’ (Psalm 127.1). We ask you all to pray especially for wisdom for our architect and contractors, and for peaceful relations with our neighbours and local residents affected by the work.
God of vision and hope,
we thank you for our church building;
a place of prayer and pilgrimage,
witnessing to your love and presence in our midst.
We pray for our plans to develop the building
to further the work of your kingdom in this and future generations.
We pray for the guidance, resources and skills we need to bring the project to completion,
and that we would be united in vision and focus as we work towards this goal,
in the name of Jesus Christ our Cornerstone.

LIGHT LUNCH in the Coach House – next Friday 19th July – 11am-1.30pm- All are welcome to join us for Soup , a roll , cake and company.
This is sponsored by Quarry WI for the community, feel free to come and join us.

This year we are again having two weeks of drop-in Stay & Play sessions in the Coach House for small children and their carers. The dates are 5th to 9th and 12th to 16th August from 10am to 12 noon. There will be all sorts of toys and activities aimed at children up to the age of 6, as well as refreshments for children and adults. Further details from Emily, Anna Brown, Joan Jones and Elizabeth Knight. 

Save the date: Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September

This open weekend will be an opportunity to explore and celebrate our completed building work. On Saturday 14th September our church will be open to all from 10am to 4pm serving refreshments and showing displays on the theme of Holy Trinity’s past, present, and future! During this time a Narnia trail will be available for children and families. That evening at 7pm will be a concert, showcasing some of the musical talent in our community.
On Sunday 15th September, we are delighted that the Bishop of Oxford will be joining us for our 10am Parish Eucharist to bless our church building following completion of the building works. The Bishop will also be confirming several members of our congregation during this service. If you are interested in exploring confirmation, please get in touch with any of our clergy.


A group has been formed to make plans for the parish to celebrate in the autumn the completion of the church building work, and the 175th anniversary of its consecration. We would like to create a photographic history of the people and events that have taken place at Holy Trinity over the years. If you have photographs of family/community events at the church that you would be willing to share with us please could you let the wardens know, and provide a copy with the event and date added. Thank you. Janet Masters

Hearing Loop Update

Our loop system had to be disconnected during the work on the west end of church, we are really pleased that the contractors have found a way to reinstate it and it is now functioning. Please have a chat with a welcomer or one of the sound team if you are having problems.

This week’s Eco Tips

If we already have supplies of plastic bags, plastic tooth brushes, cotton buds with plastic sticks, plastic inter-dental brushes and floss, plastic straws etc. in the home, we might as well use/re-use them, but resolve to replace them as they wear out with non-plastic equivalents. Hilary Rollin, Eco Group

Eco Resources Summer 2024

If you are looking for information on ECO matters, you might like to follow the link below for ideas on book titles, links to Zoom sessions (live and recorded), talks etc. Go to:   
Hilary Rollin, Eco Church Group

Pastoral care team

Are you in need of support or would you like to talk to someone? We rely on you to let us know of anyone who is ill, or in hospital or who might welcome a visit. Please contact any of the clergy (numbers on back page) or Helen Day, Janet Masters, or Anne Tarassenko.