Notices 13 October 2024

Sunday October 13th: The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion. President: Revd Laura Biron-Scott.
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School. President: Revd Laura Biron-Scott. Preacher Revd Rob Gilbert. Deacon: Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex. Organist:  Andrew Patterson  

Midweek Services

Morning Prayer: 9am Monday and Tuesdays
Midweek Communion: 10am Wednesdays

Sunday October 20th: The Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School

Building project

A prayer for the end of the project:
God of vision and hope,
we thank you for our church building;
a place of prayer and pilgrimage,
witnessing to your love and presence in our midst.
We thank you for guiding us through to the completion of the building project.
Keep us united in vision and focus as we celebrate this milestone, and grant us your peace.
in the name of Jesus Christ our Cornerstone.

Autumn Fair

Our thanks to the hardworking Fete organisers and all the volunteers, and for those who gave donations yesterday for this important fundraising Event.

All Souls Service 3rd November 5pm

If you would like to have a name read out please write this on the list at the back of church or ring Helen in the office on 762931 and leave a message on the answerphone. Thank you.

Church Cleaning team members needed

Now that the extension is complete, and we have more space to keep clean, we are looking for people to augment the cleaning teams. We currently have teams of 2, who clean every 5th week. Could you help in this role? If so please speak to Janet Masters or the wardens to find out more to see if you can help out.

HTHQ 175 Talking History

The HTHQ175 committee have put together a programme of talks celebrating Holy Trinity’s 175th Anniversary year:
Wednesday 16 October: Our Church Building  Revd Dr Laura Biron-Scott
Wednesday 6 November: Remembrance   Commander John Drummond
Wednesday 4 December: Blessed Virgin Mary  Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex
Wednesday 8 January: C.S. Lewis’s Oxford   Prof Simon Horobin
Further dates to be announced.
The evening begins with refreshments at 6.45pm, the talking beginning at 7pm, and discussions close at 7.45pm. All are welcome in church.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

I’m pleased to report that I have sent a cheque for £150 to Macmillan Cancer Support. Many thanks to those who contributed to this cause. Sheila Allcock.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is coming to Aylesbury Waterside Theatre in 2025! I have reserve seats for Saturday 11th October 2025 at 2pm seat cost £28 each please let me know if you’re interested as a deposit will have to paid by Christmas. Frances Farrar. – 

Frideswide Pilgrimage CANCELLED

We are sorry to announce that due to recent heavy rainfall making pilgrim routes unsafe, the Cathedral have taken the decision to cancel the pilgrimage on Saturday 19 October.

Laura to leave Holy Trinity

All who attend worship at Holy Trinity, and all who listen to broadcasts of our services whether at home or from hospital, will welcome the good news that the building work has very nearly been completed. We, therefore, feel great gratitude to our Vicar, the Revd. Laura Biron-Scott, whose faith, prayerfulness, perseverance, dedication and capacity to get along with other people, have guided us safely to so happy a conclusion. However, one of Laura’s predecessors at Holy Trinity used to say that the reward for good work is more work, and that proves to be true in Laura’s case as well. Laura will, in fact, be leaving the Parish at the end of November to take on a role of ministry in an academic environment as Chaplain of Balliol College, Oxford. So our joy is tinged with sadness at her departure, but a sadness relieved by the thought that she will remain close by and we still might hope to see her from time to time. We ask for God’s blessing upon Laura and we pray for her ministry in her new calling.

Tots Mornings open to all babies, toddlers, and preschoolers on Tuesdays in term time in the Coach House on Tuesdays. Stay & Play will be 10-11am and Story & prayers 11am – 11.15am. No need to book just come along. All are welcome.

Hearing Loop Update

We’re very sorry that our loop system is not working at the moment. We expect to have it back in action by the end of the month. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

This week’s Eco Tips

Other thoughts on maximizing comfort and minimising heating bills by checking areas that let the cold in.  Are more draft excluder strips needed round the sides of external doors or windows? Has the foil from behind radiators on external walls fallen away over the summer months? If so, fix it. Check next week’s Notices for our final seasonal tip. Hilary Rollin, Eco Group

Save the Date

The Autumn Eco Talks Series starts with water engineer David Ramsbottom speaking on: ‘Floods, causes, alleviation and complications on Wednesday October 23rd. On Thursday November 14th Judy Webb of Friends of Lye Valley will give a presentation about Lye Valley SSSI- this very precious asset, right on our doorstep. Exact title tbc. Both talks will be in the Coach House, starting at 7.30pm with refreshments at 7.15pm.  Hilary Rollin, Eco Group.

Eco Resources Autumn/Winter 2024

If you are looking for information on ECO matters, you might like to follow the link below for ideas on book titles, links to Zoom sessions (live and recorded), talks etc.    Hilary Rollin, Eco Church Group.
Go to:

Pastoral care team 

Are you in need of support or would you like to talk to someone? We rely on you to let us know of anyone who is ill, or in hospital or who might welcome a visit. Please contact any of the clergy (numbers on back page) or Helen Day, Janet Masters, or Anne Tarassenko.