Sunday Mar 23rd: Third Sunday of Lent
8am Holy Communion. President: Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School. President: Revd Canon Margaret Whipp. Preacher: Revd Canon David Knight. Deacon: Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex. Organist: Andrew Patterson
Midweek Services
Morning Prayer: 9am Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Lady Chapel.
Sunday Mar 30th: Mothering Sunday
8am Holy Communion
10am All-Age Eucharist
A prayer for the vacancy
God of vision and hope,
we thank you for all who have ministered here throughout the history of this church.
In this time of vacancy,
may we continue to grow in love,
share in responsibility,
and seek your vision for our future,
in the name of Jesus Christ, our shepherd and our guide.
Lent Course
Wednesdays in church 7-8pm with refreshments served from 6.45pm. Come along to explore together the landscape of prayer and reflect on how we can deepen our relationship with God.
Electoral Roll – Preparing for the Annual Church Meeting 14 May 2025
EVERYONE needs to do this! This is the year in which the Church of England decrees that our electoral roll (list of members) be scrapped, and that we prepare a completely new one.
So no matter when you first joined the roll, whether 60 years or a couple of months ago, you need to fill in a new application form. Printed forms are available in church and can be returned either to church or direct to me at 3 New Cross Road. The form is also available on the church website, and can be downloaded, filled in online and emailed to me – it does not need to be physically signed if it comes from your email address.
If you have not been listed on our roll before – please sign up. It gives you a vote at the meeting and helps us to know how many of us there are. The only qualifications are that you have been baptised (in any Christian denomination) and that you either live in the parish or have attended Holy Trinity regularly over the past six months. Your applications must reach me by the end of Sunday 13th April! If you have any problems or questions please get in touch! Thank you.
Joan Jones, Electoral Roll Officer, , 07710611250
The Parish Office
Please send any notices for the week on Tuesdays or information requests by email only Many thanks.
Concert – Saturday April 5th – 2pm -4pm
A young talented violinist has offered to perform for us. She is local and would like to give something back to the community. Her name is Skye El-shirbiny and she is a pupil at the Royal Academy of Music, and attended the local schools. The concert will include pieces on the violin and also a performance from our own Emily. It is aiming to make this inclusive to families. There will be a refreshment interval and the concert is free, but donations to the church will be welcome. Please put this date in your diary and come and bring any friend to support this lovely young musician who has made this offer. Margaret Taylor (01865 765051)
Wood Farm Community Projects
A number of projects are beginning in the Wood Farm area of our parish, including monthly litter picks, planting bulbs around the estate, and organising a community fete to take place in August. If you might be interested in helping out or want to find out more, speak to Emily.
HTHQ 175 Talking History
The HTHQ175 committee have put together a programme of talks celebrating Holy Trinity’s 175th Anniversary year:
Wednesday 9 April Racial Justice Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex
Wednesday 7 May Morris Dancing Michael Heaney
Wednesday 4 June Our changing church Revd Canon Dr Margaret Whipp
The evening begins with refreshments at 6.45pm, the talk beginning at 7pm, and discussions close at 7.45pm. All are welcome.
Our Community Café is now up and running: 9.30am-11.30am on Tuesday mornings. All are welcome, and most especially families with young children, as the meeting room will be set up for tots to play.
In the Coach House car park a dedicated Eco Group member has spruced up and relined the bay ready ready to welcome back the Co Wheels car. For information on the Co Wheels Car Club go to or see me. Hilary Rollin, Eco Group.
Marston Eco Hub at St Nicholas Church, Old Marston, is open 8.00-21.00 daily. Those missing Headington Fair Trade Shop, please note that we have an arrangement whereby members of Holy Trinity may use the self-service Eco Hub with its large range of eco products. Just take along your purse and clean empty refillable bottles, marked with how many millilitres they hold.
Pastoral care team
Are you in need of support or would you like to talk to someone? We rely on you to let us know of anyone who is ill, or in hospital or who might welcome a visit. Please contact any of the clergy (numbers on back page) or Helen Day, Janet Masters, Anne Tarassenko, or Ruth Wooldridge.