Important COVID-19 Information
We are very pleased to be able to reopen our church building for public worship again, with services beginning on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th March 2021. Many of us long to be together physically in our church building, although we realise that for some of us this is not yet possible. In planning to resume public worship, we have been guided by the following principles:
- Spirit‐led: prayerfully discerning what God is asking of us at this time, taking into account all we have discovered during this time of pandemic.
- Sustainable: sensitive to the demands being placed on those who are leading and assisting with worship.
- Safe: putting all possible measures in place to ensure physical distancing, hand hygiene, and cleaning, to ensure that people can worship with us safely.
This document has been put together to enable you to make a decision about whether to attend worship, and to explain how the services will be conducted.
Should I attend public worship?
If you feel unwell or have a fever or new continuous cough or new loss of or change in sense of taste or smell or have been advised to self-‐isolate please stay home and do not attend.
Those who are extremely clinically vulnerable (being ‘shielded’), those clinically vulnerable (70yrs or older and those with some underlying health conditions) are advised that they are at higher risk of COVID‐19 complications. Anyone in these groups or with a disability are advised to discuss risk with their GP if there is any doubt whether it is safe for them to attend. The final decision to attend will be theirs.
How should I travel to and from church?
If you use public transport then by law you must wear a face covering unless you are legally exempt. If you travel by private car, please travel with members of your own household or support bubble only. We are sorry that our church volunteers cannot offer lifts to and from church at the moment.
Do I need to sign up to attend worship?
Due to the size of our building and the need for you to keep a 2 metre distance from those outside your household our support bubble, you must sign up in advance of coming to church. We will do our best to accommodate people who have not signed up, but it is not always possible. The weekly sign up details will be on our website ( Please do use the online form if you can, but if you struggle with this or are not online, please call or email the parish office (01865 762931,
What will happen when I come to church?
Please check the chalk markings on the church path, which will be used to mark a queuing system.
Please use the hand sanitiser provided on entry and exit from the church.
Face coverings must be worn inside the building.
Orders of service will be placed on the pews in advance, with places marked out to ensure social distancing. Please fill up from the front of the church if possible, and please go straight to your seat, keeping an atmosphere of prayerful silence inside the building.
The duty warden will be available to help you if you are unsure where to sit. Please remain in your seat throughout the service.
To keep the building well ventilated we plan to keep the doors of the building open, even during the winter, so please wrap up warm.
Always follow social distancing keeping at least 2 metres apart from others outside your household or support bubble. It is extremely important that you have no physical contact with others outside your household or support bubble: e.g there will be no hand shaking greeting during the Peace
Unfortunately due to the risk of increased coronavirus transmission congregational singing and loud talking is not permitted.
Communion will be of one kind only (bread). We have a moving queue system in place for communion – please follow the directions of the steward.
Please exit the building carefully ensuring 2m social distancing at all times. After the final piece of music has finished, those sitting near the back of church will be asked to leave first. Please do not block the exit to the building or the churchyard path.
Can my children attend worship?
Yes! Please follow the above rules about social distancing and sitting together as a household. We will provide activity sheets and colouring pencils for your children. We do understand that younger children find social distancing difficult. We are also running some outdoor ‘forest church’ services for children and families.
Where can I find further information?
Please keep an eye on our parish website or twitter account for updates: and do get in touch with the clergy, wardens or parish office if you have any questions. We also recommend you keep updated with government COVID-19 guidelines which can be found at
Please rest assured we have performed a comprehensive COVID-19 risk assessment and with your help particularly with social distancing of 2m and avoidance of physical contact the risk of COVID-19 transmission will be reduced.
We greatly look forward to worshipping together in our building once again. We will also continue to provide online worship for those who are not yet able to return. We pray that you will know the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ as you worship with us during this time of pandemic.
Holy Trinity PCC