Notices 2 February 2025

Sunday Feb 2nd: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple

8am Holy Communion. President: Revd Prof Rob Gilbert
10am All-Age Parish Eucharist. President: Revd Canon Dr Margaret Whipp. Preacher:  Revd Prof Rob Gilbert. Organist:  Andrew Patterson 

Midweek Services

Morning Prayer: 9am Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Lady Chapel.
Midweek Communion: Wednesdays at 10am

Sunday Feb 9th: Racial Justice Sunday

8am Holy Communion
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School

A prayer for the vacancy:

God of vision and hope,
we thank you for all who have ministered here throughout the history of this church.
In this time of vacancy,
may we continue to grow in love,
share in responsibility,
and seek your vision for our future,
in the name of Jesus Christ, our shepherd and our guide.

The Parish Office is closed until further notice while Helen is on sick leave.
All notices must be emailed to Emily by 9am on Tuesday mornings otherwise they will not be included in the service booklet. In Helen’s absence volunteers will check the office email account, pay bills, print off booklets and materials and support Emily and Rob in the administration of the church. We are very grateful to all those who are helping at this time and ask the congregation to support them in any way they can.

Advance notice of a Regular Giving Appeal as part of our parish fundraising

A group led by our Treasurer, Richard Stoneman, has been meeting in recent months to look in detail at our church finances and at what we need to meet our obligations and to strengthen what we do as a church. With input from the Diocese we have decided to hold a Regular Giving Appeal. Around the start of Lent (on Sundays 2nd March, 9th March and 16th March) there will be a focus on giving and faith and developing a visionfor our ministry and work. On 9th March we will be visited by the Generous Giving Advisor for the Diocese, Joshua Townson, who will talk at the 10am service.

Our Community Café is now up and running: 9.30am-11.30am on Tuesday mornings. All are welcome, and most especially families with young children, as the meeting room will be set up for tots to play.

Julian Group

The February meeting will be on Friday 7th February at 2.30 pm at 6 Quarry Hollow, Headington. Please note the change of venue. We meditate  for half an hour on a passage provided by one of us and then discuss it before having a social time with  tea/coffee and biscuits. New members are very welcome. Please contact me for further details: Sheila Allcock 01865-769630

HTHQ 175 Talking History

The HTHQ175 committee have put together a programme of talks celebrating Holy Trinity’s 175th Anniversary year:
Wednesday 5 February   Church and Eco-theology    Dr Tom Crook & Revd Prof Rob Gilbert
Tuesday 4 March             History of the Quarry        Maurice East
Wednesday 9 April          Racial Justice Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex
Wednesday 7 May           Morris Dancing     (speaker TBC)
Wednesday 4 June          Our changing church      Revd Canon Dr Margaret Whipp
All talks are in church. The evening begins with refreshments at 6.45pm, the talk beginning at 7pm, and discussions close at 7.45pm. All are welcome.

This week’s Eco Tips

You may, or may not, have been able to take part in last weekend’s Big Garden Bird Watch, but it’s never too late to encourage garden birds. In built-up areas, feeding birds is one way of connecting with nature and wildlife. Besides, it is calming watching them nibble on our plants, take a dip in a bird bath and enjoy themselves in a garden pond. Start by providing bird feed, sunflower seeds, suet, mealworms, fresh fruit such as oranges. Hilary Rollin, Eco Group                                                                 

Eco Resources for Spring 2025

For suggestions on information re Eco Matters, including reading material, links to Zoom sessions etc. go to

Pastoral care team 

Are you in need of support or would you like to talk to someone? We rely on you to let us know of anyone who is ill, or in hospital or who might welcome a visit. Please contact any of the clergy (numbers on back page) or Janet Masters, Anne Tarassenko, or Ruth Wooldridge.