Notices 9 March 2025

Sunday Mar 9th: The First Sunday of Lent

8am Holy Communion. President:  Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School. President: Revd Prof Rob Gilbert. Preacher:  Joshua Townson, Diocesan Generous Giving Adviser. Deacon: Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex. Organist:  Andrew Patterson 

Midweek Services

Morning Prayer: 9am Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Lady Chapel.

Sunday Mar 16th: Second Sunday of Lent

8am Holy Communion
10am Parish Eucharist with Forest Sunday School

A prayer for the vacancy

God of vision and hope,
we thank you for all who have ministered here throughout the history of this church.
In this time of vacancy,
may we continue to grow in love,
share in responsibility,
and seek your vision for our future,
in the name of Jesus Christ, our shepherd and our guide.

Lent Course

Wednesdays in church 7-8pm with refreshments served from 6.45pm. Come along to explore together the landscape of prayer and reflect on how we can deepen our relationship with God.

Holy Communion classes

Any children or young people who have been baptised but are not yet ready to be confirmed are invited to join us in preparing to receive their first communion. We will meet on Sunday 23 March, Monday 24 March, and Friday 28 March, and first communion will be taken on Easter Sunday. If interested, please contact the curate, Emily.

HTHQ 175 Talking History

The HTHQ175 committee have put together a programme of talks celebrating Holy Trinity’s 175th Anniversary year:
Wednesday 9 April  Racial Justice             Revd Emily Hockliffe Essex
Wednesday 7 May   Morris Dancing          (speaker TBC)
Wednesday 4 June  Our changing church  Revd Canon Dr Margaret Whipp
The evening begins with refreshments at 6.45pm, the talk beginning at 7pm, and discussions close at 7.45pm. All are welcome.

Electoral Roll: Request for Email Addresses

According to Church of England rules, every six years the electoral roll must be discarded and a completely new one made, this is due to happen this year. We will be contacting all our electoral roll members to let them know when it’s time to sign up again, but to facilitate this it would be helpful to have email contacts. Please consider sending your email address to our electoral roll officer, Joan Jones ( with your permission to add this information to the electoral roll records.

Our Community Café is now up and running: 9.30am-11.30am on Tuesday mornings. All are welcome, and most especially families with young children, as the meeting room will be set up for tots to play.

This week’s Eco Tips

More information follows later this month about recycling old textiles. Meanwhile, let’s get thinking about re-purposing items that can be given a new lease of life if used for a different purpose. Such as? How about cutting up favourite old T-shirts beyond their best and bringing them back into active service as dusters? Hilary Rollin, Eco Group

Eco Resources for Spring 2025

For suggestions on information re Eco Matters, including reading material, links to Zoom sessions etc. go to: Eco Church resources

Pastoral care team 

Are you in need of support or would you like to talk to someone? We rely on you to let us know of anyone who is ill, or in hospital or who might welcome a visit. Please contact any of the clergy (numbers on back page) or Helen Day, Janet Masters, Anne Tarassenko, or Ruth Wooldridge.