About us

Holy Trinity Headington Quarry is an Anglican church (Church of England) in the Diocese of Oxford. Our parish covers the areas of Risinghurst, Headington Quarry and Wood Farm but the church is open to all.

A church is about the people who attend it to worship or to mark life events.  So: how to describe ourselves? Well, we are, as most churches, a mixed bunch of people both wounded and exhilarated by life’s journey with a hope that, as we meet together and share both our gifts and our vulnerabilities, we will find the fullness of life and love that Jesus promised us. We come with open minds and open hearts doing our best to reflect honestly on the meaning of the story of Jesus for our day and to welcome all who may want to travel with us without questions about past, background, orientations or beliefs. This is not a church where you will find a fixed set of dogmas but rather an encouragement to wonder, to question and to value the views of others. If you are interested come and see! I hope this web-site will give you something of a taster, but Holy Trinity is really its people. Do join us for any of the services or events listed – or get in touch by phone or e-mail.