Lent begins on Wednesday 17th February (Ash Wednesday). Here are more details about services, groups and resources:
Online services
Sunday services during Lent are usually available on our online services page from 8am on the day of the service. You can also find them via the following links.
17 February 2021 – Ash Wednesday
14 March 2021 – Mothering Sunday
‘For such a time as this’
A Lent Course exploring ecological justice, from USPG. Each session features Bible study, stories of hope and encouragement from USPG partner churches across the world, and opportunities to reflect on how, as Christians, we can respond to the climate emergency. This course will run on Zoom on Tuesday evenings in Lent from 7-8pm, starting on Tuesday 23rd February.
Meeting ID: 828 9492 1657
Passcode: 117598
You may also like to do the course individually or in home groups. Please let Helen know if you plan to attend (office@hthq.uk), and if you would like a print-out of the booklet which can be downloaded here: https://www.uspg.org.uk/engage/support5/forsuchatime/lent-course-2021/
Lent Poetry Challenge
Many of us have turned to poetry for wisdom during this time, and may find it helpful to commit to reading a poem a day during Lent, following Malcolm Guite’s book Word in the Wilderness (Canterbury Press, 2014). Laura will be holding three Zoom sessions to read and discuss some of the poems together. These will be on Monday evenings (1st, 15th, 29th March) at 7-8pm. Please let Laura know if you would like to take part (vicar@hthq.uk).
Meeting ID: 834 1210 6705
Passcode: 902980
Come and See
Lots of people are asking deep questions of faith at this time. ‘Come and See’, run through Oxford Diocese, is an invitation to everyone and anyone who feels adrift in this pandemic, whether or not they know anything about the Christian faith. You can find more details and register here: https://www.oxford.anglican.org/come-and-see/
Lent Retreat: Growing back better
2020 challenged us, individually and collectively, in ways no-one could have imagined. It has confronted us with the question of whether we want to go back to how things were, or to ‘grow back better’. It has challenged us to reflect on what kind of people we truly desire to become and what kind of world we hope to pass on to future generations. This Lent Retreat, run by Pray as you Go in collaboration with Sacred Space, offers seven weekly sessions to help reflect on these questions. https://pray-as-you-go.org/retreat/lent-2021
Prayers for Hope and Healing
This contemplative prayer gathering will meet weekly on Thursdays at 8.30pm during Lent, beginning Thursday 25th February (there will be no prayer meeting on February 18th). The focus will be: seeing salvation, praying through art, and there is a new Zoom link for the Lent meetings:
Meeting ID: 845 2181 2373
Passcode: 738378
Live Lent: Church of England App
The Church of England have produced an App called ‘Live Lent’, which can be downloaded on your phone or tablet. It includes daily reflections for Lent, and many other resources. If you are not online, or know someone who is not online, don’t forget the Daily Hope line which will be updated with each day’s audio reflection paired with a hymn. Enjoy by calling the free phone number 0800 804 8044.
Roots Lent Calendar
A calendar for daily reflection and preparation during Lent inspired by seven of the last sayings of Jesus from the cross. This is designed for families of all ages to do together at home.